How to Make it in the Modeling Business

Being a Model has Nothing to Do with Being "Perfect" but you do need to explore your "on film personality" and most important: be comfortable on film. The difference between a pro model and a novice is usually 5000 photos.


1. A serious interest in modeling.
2. Ages between 17 and 34 (older ok if exceptional)
3. Height at least 5'3" (5'7" for runway)
4. Girls who are beautiful (fashion)
5. Girls who have incredible figures (bikini & lingerie)
6. Girls with talent and personalities (tv & video)
7. At least 10-20 photos and video porfolios

(We can help you get your photos)




The Internet has Completely Changed the way Casting Directors, Agents and Scouts Find Models. In the Old Days Models Would Have to Drive Hundreds of miles to Los Angeles, New York or other Large Cities to Find Legitimate Model Agencies. Then Agents would Spend Days Looking through Booklets Searching for Models.

Today, You Can Get Your Photos out Into the Industry on the Internet, Get Seen, and Agents can See Your Portfolio Instantly!

HAVE LOTS OF PHOTOS! Post Photos that Represent You well and You Can Make it in the Business Faster than Ever Before.

TRY TO GET NOTICED! Girls like Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian, Madonna etc did some pretty wild things to get noticed... That's what it takes. We'll help you use new ways to get international attention.

PORTFOLIO VIDEOS TV and Movie jobs require models that have fun personalities. We can help you create video samples and this will help you become more comfortable on film.


Most Models dissapear from the modeling world after a couple years. They forget their dreams and are never heard from again. We've known many awesome Models who Gave up Because they just didn't try hard enough.

Models Sign Up Here

Contact one of our photographers for a test session after you sign up